Undercounter ice makers and ice machine require routine cleaning to keep them running. I have had customers that run a clean cycle on their machine but without the proper solution, therefore there was no actual ‘cleaning’ taking place. For my personal ice maker, and my customers units, I use Hydro Balance H.B. 30. It is a nickel safe, fast acting, and non-foaming solution that removes slime and scale buildup and restores efficiency of ice machines.
Per KitchAid, “it is recommended that you clean the ice Maker when the “Cleaning Cycle” button is illuminated or after 9 months has elapsed. Mineral that are removed from water during the freezing cycle will eventually form a hard scaly deposit in the water system. Cleaning the system regularly helps remove the mineral scale buildup. How often you need to clean the system depends on upon how hard your water is, you may need to clean the system as often as every 6 months.”
I have been using Hydro Balance H.B. 30 for years with great results at removing hard water mineral scale buildup. In addition to running the proper solution during a ‘clean cycle’ I also clean the condenser coils at the same time. It is equally important to not over look cleaning the condenser coils to keep the system running efficiently.
We at Appliance Pro Service are able to perform ice maker cleanings. Just call us for a quote and scheduling. We can be reached at 918-830-8071 or 918-853-2237.